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Wana`s Planet: At last,it happen

At last,it happen


sad sad sad
He have a new buddy :'(
My ex Have a new buddy.
they couple for 8 month,how could I don't know that?
I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it
My own Fiction
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears (Everything is Fiction)
This story can’t be happy or sad :)

How could I forget him?
his my first love..
Although we seperated last year but u still in..
Although My heart feel want to


but.... I know my story just fiction.

I wait for you to long and u make me like this,,my name's also u forgot
do u know about that?
u know Bella and me have a same story of life..
We wait for the true love ..but bella was to grateful coz she got her love back
but me not....

Nevermine ,I'll pray for your happines,
I will let u go now..
I will forget u..I promise tht!
edward could u be mine?

ok stop merapik.he3.saja nak kongsi cerita cinta aku..okok lari topik jap...
tadi pagi ada hari terbuka kat sekolah.. macam dad membebel pasal math aku..sejak azali
math aku markah dia tetap macam tu...
hahahaha. aku tak tahu lah..aku faham cikgu ajar..tapi bila time na exam jew otak jadi blank buat cmner dah rezeki..

lepas balik dari sekolah,ayah ajak gi mcd.. masa dah habis order tu aku ngn ayah aku tunggu kat tepi2 counter tu
pastu aku ternampak seorg nenek cina ni..dia pandang aku lain macam tao...
dia pandang aku macam dia geram kat aku..
so masa tu aku berfikiran positif tua..
so aku biarkanjelah... suami or anak nenek tu order lah..nenek tu kat sebelah aku.
aku pandang lagi nenek tu..
tiba-tiba nenek tu keluarkan pisau lipat dari poket dia.. dah luar biasa ni.. pastu nenek tu buat gaya ala2 nak bunuh org..aku
apa lagi aku terus berdiri sebelah ayah aku..
nenek tu tgk lagi..#gilaseram
aku dah tak sedap hati..aku cakap ngn ayah aku ,aku nak duduk...
bila time aku duduk..nenek tu mcm cari seseorg lah..lepastu nenek tu pandang aku lagi..
sambil pegang pisau kott..
dia tengok pisau dia lepastu dia tgk aku...#walaweh
aku dah seram kat situ..aku alihkan pandangan aku kat tv.. lepastu aku rasa
nenek tu makin lama makin dekat dengan aku...
hati aku dup dap dup dap
Bila aku pandang je nenek tu..dia terus menjerit lepastu pisau dia lagi sikit nak kena dada aku
sebaik suami or anak dia sempat halang pisau tu
Alhadullillah Ya Allah..aku masatu aku fikir confirm lepasni aku dah tak de dalam dunia..
satu mcd tgk kejadian tu.. aku masatu tga shock pastu blurr. abg2 kakak2 yg ada kat belakng
tenangkan aku... ayah aku terus kata ngn abg mcd tu.
na bawak balik makanan...

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